
Soleto Vest: 

English & Italian v1 – v3

Shoulder Shaping: 18 (18,18,18, 20, 20) sts on each shoulder after dividing stitches for shoulder (Page 2 bottom left)

Armhole shaping increases, page 3 right column. Last two sets of increases should read CO 0(0,0,5,4,5), CO 0(0,0,0,4,5)

English & Italian v1 – v4: page 2 Shoulder Shaping: Revisions affect sizes 48′ & 52′ only

Next Row (RS; dec): k1 (1, 1, 1, 2, 2), sm, k1, (k1 tbl, p2) 4 times, k1 tbl, k1, sm, then k2tog, k1 (1, 1, 1, 2, 2), place 24 (32, 36, 40, 38, 38) sts on holder for neck. Right and left shoulder will be worked at the same time. With a new ball of yarn start working the left shoulder, k1 (1, 1, 1, 2, 2), ssk, sm, k1, (k1 tbl, p2) 4 times, k1 tbl, k1, sm, k1 (1, 1, 1, 2, 2).  – 18 (18, 18, 18, 20, 20) sts on each shoulder.

Next Row (WS): p to marker, sm, p1, (p1 tbl, k2) 4 times, p1 tbl, p1, sm, p to end.

Next Row (RS; dec row) Sts marker will be rearranged while working this row.

Right Shoulder: k1 (1, 1, 1, 2, 2), sm, k1, (k1 tbl, p2) 4 times, k1 tbl, remove st marker, k2tog, k1 (1, 1, 1, 2, 2).

Left Shoulder: k1 (1, 1, 1, 2, 2), ssk, (k1 tbl, p2) 4 times, k1 tbl, k1, k1 (1, 1, 1, 2, 2). – 17 (17, 17, 17, 19, 19) sts on each shoulder. Place stitch markers back in proper place.

English Version, v1 & 2 (design modification).

Edge Chart page 4

Row 18 and 20: p6, (p1 tbl, k2) 5 times, p1 tbl, p6

Row 19: k6, (k1 tbl, p2) 5 times, k1 tbl, k6

Italian Version, v1&2

Schema del Bordo

Giro 1 (DL) : 5 (7, 9, 13, 15, 17) dir, mettete sp, lavorate come da Schema, mettete sp, 13 (19, 25, 31, 37, 41) dir, mettete sp, lavorate come da Schema, mettete sp, 9 (11, 15, 17, 19, 27) dir, mettete sp, lavorate come da Schema, 13 (19, 25, 31, 37, 41) dir, mettete sp, lavorate come da Schema, mettete sp, 5 (7, 9, 13, 15, 17) dir

Giro 2 (RL) : (a rov fino sp, lavorate come da Schema) x 4 volte, a rov fino alla fine

Giri 3 – 16 : Continuate a lavorare seguendo lo schema fino al Giro 16. Lavorate a m ras tra ogni ripetizione dello schema. Pass i sp quando necessario.

Giro 17 Lavorate a coste & Schema – (lavorate a coste 1dir 1 rov fino al sp, seguite lo Schema) x 4 volte, lavorate a coste 1dir, 1 rov fino alla fine.

Giri 18 – 21 Continuate con lo Schema. Lavorate a coste su tutte le m non presenti nello Schema, mentre seguite lo schema per le altre m.

Schema del bordo : Istruzioni scritte

Giri 18 e 20 : 6rov, (1rov rit, 2dir ) x 5 volte, 1rov rit , 6rov

Giro 19 : 6dir (1dir rit, 2rov) x 5 volte, 1dir rit, 6dir

Italian Version, v1-4: Giroseno 48, 52”: SAGOMATURA DELLE SPALLINE

Giro successivo (DL, dim) : 1 (1,1,1,2,2) dir, pass sp, 1dir, (1dir rit, 2rov) x 4 volte, 1dir rit, 1dir, pass sp, 2ins dir, 1 (1,1,1,2,2) dir, mettete 24 (32, 36, 40, 38, 38) m in sospeso per il collo. Le spalline dx e sx saranno lavorate contemporaneamente. Con un nuovo gomitolo iniziate a lavorare la spallina sx : 1 (1,1,1,2,2) dir, PPDR, pass sp, 1dir, (1dir rit, 2rov) x 4 volte, 1dir rit, 1dir, pass sp, 1 (1,1,1,2,2) dir. Rimangono 18 (18,18,18,20,20) m su ogni spallina.

Giro successivo (RL) : a rov fino al sp, pass sp, 1rov, (1rov rit, 2dir) x 4 volte, 1rov rit, 1rov, pass sp, a rov fino alla fine.

Giro successivo (DL, dim) : lo sp sarà spostato mentre lavorate questo giro

Spallina dx : 1 (1,1,1,2,2) dir, pass sp, 1dir, (1dir rit, 2rov) x 4 volte, 1dir rit, eliminate il sp, 2ins dir,1 (1,1,1,2,2) dir.

Spallina sx : 1 (1,1,1,2,2) dir, PPDR, (1dir rit, 2rov) x 4 volte, 1dir rit, 1dir, 1 (1,1,1,2,2) dir. Rimangono 17 (17, 17, 17, 19, 19) m in ogni spallina. Risistemate i sp al loro posto.


Camelot’s Embrace: Pattern as printed in Knit Magazine

The pattern as printed in the magazine has a few small errors. Just make the quick and simple revisions as written below before starting. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

The order of chart: It’s a quick fix but a very important one.
It should be in this order: Start up Chart first, then Main, then Border, and lastly the Edge Chart.

On page 22 of Knit Mag. Issue 37, (2nd page of pattern) make the following revisions:
Replace the word “Edge” and write “Main”.
Replace the word “Main” and write “Border”
Replace the word “Border” and write “Edge”

Tension: Chart B as referred to in this section is the Main Chart.

On the Start-up Chart:(number the columns from Right to left 1- 53)

  • On row 19, columns 23 & 49 should be a K2tog.
  • You will notice that there is color missing on this chart.
  • Shade in rows 1 & 2, columns 5 -13 and 16 – 24.
  • Shade in rows 3 & 4, columns 5 -12 and 17 – 24.
  • Shade in rows 5 & 6, columns 5- 11 and 18 – 24.
  • Shade in rows 7 & 8, columns 5 – 10 and 19 – 24.
  • Shade in rows 9 & 10, columns 5 – 9 and 20 – 24.
  • Shade in rows 11 & 12, columns 5 – 8 and 21 – 24.
  • Shade in rows 13 & 14, columns 5 – 7 and 22 – 24.
  • Shade in rows 15 & 16, columns 5 – 6 and 23 – 24.
  • Shade in rows 17 & 18, columns 5 and 24.
  • Shade in the other identical triangle in the chart in the same manner.


Squiggly line page break




  1. anick says:

    I am donig the 3rd size od Soletto ans there must bs somthing I haven’t understood since I dont have the same number of stiches

    – Shoukder 17 st
    – + for the neck 18 st ( on eache size isn’t it?)
    – + 18 st for armhole

    That makes a total of 53 (instead of 48 written on the pattern)
    and for the back
    -73 st
    – + 2X18 for armhole

    that should be 109 st

    So altogether wnen I put the back and the 2 fronts together it should be 109 + 53 + 53 = 215 st

    Thank you for helping me to understand

    I love this pattern.


  2. Ling says:

    I just start learning knit a shawl .I fall in love theCamelot’s embrace shawl .I finished the start-up chart has 53sts. Next I should start the Main chart I think I missing something help me please.

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